A 25 years old, BS. Computer scinece fresh graduate, looking for a job in Web Development mostly specializing in front end development. I believe in my own abilities, I am also a team player who thrives in a challenging environment. I am a fresher with new and dynamics project ideas. Well-versed in numerous programming languages including HTML5, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, MySQL, Node.js And MongoDB with a good background in project management and customer relations.
During my Bachelor's degree journey as a Computer Science student at King Fahad University, I have been very passionate as a freelance developer, doing remote work for various clients and collaborating with talented people to create web products for both business and consumer use.
After graduating, I kept the motivation in improving myself and discovering new areas.
I build effective responsive websites that are quick, simple to use, and follow best practices. Front-end development, HTML, CSS, and JS, developing small and medium web apps, custom plugins, features, animations, and coding interactive layouts are my key areas of competence.
I also have full-stack developer expertise with well-known MVC frameworks such as (Lavarel and Node.js MVC frameworks).
Visit me atLinked Infor more details
Supported by U.S. Department of State.
Supported by U.S. Department of State.